I never considered that I could adore the ocean and beach much more than I did before we drove off for Oceanside. But, now I do.
I really do love each of the following photos. By no means is it because they are of great technical and professional-photography quality. Like I would ever be the judge of that anyways. It's just that these photos mean a lot to me. That's it. Plain and simple.
I really do love each of the following photos. By no means is it because they are of great technical and professional-photography quality. Like I would ever be the judge of that anyways. It's just that these photos mean a lot to me. That's it. Plain and simple.

The buildings, including the power poles, versus the clouds intrigued me. This alley ran behind the condo we were staying in. While I was taking this shot, a woman walking through the street was yelling at me to take a photo of the sunset. What immediately came to mind was 'Geez lady. The beach is my next stop.' Of course, I chose to smile and thank her. But, I am really grateful to her. I probably would have dilly dallied in the alley for too long and missed this.

One day ... one day ... I will be that surfer. One day.
I enjoy snapping photos that provide a perspective relative to scale. Surfer in relation to the ocean and sky. Teeny tiny to humongously grand. One day, I will be that surfer.

Like the stairs. AND I am a sucker for reflection photos. Many people are and I am one of them.

Oh, these Converse shoes. On the stairs that I like a lot. These pair of shoes have danced me through some fun Zumba classes and walked with me to great places. Oceanside included. You know it.

Long strolls along the beach. Barefoot or in shoes. Either way it's timeless and melts my heart.

I am loyal to my 50mm to a fault. It's become a weakness. I was making myself use my 28-105mm lens. Look at what this baby captured. Oh yeah! From the edge of the beach houses to the end (+ more) of the pier and lots of sky to people on the beach.
I saw a group of kids playing on the beach and it was at this point that I decided to go get the rest of the family to walk along the beach with me.

These kids were having so much fun on the beach. I wanted to join them, but I haven't a clue about football. Upon closer examination of the photo, it seemed these boys didn't either--everyone's running and the football is nearly on the ground. Now, I don't know much about this game ... however ... I believe the ball must be in someone's possession, right? :) Look at me go all ESPN.
Thinking it might seem creepy to them for me to sit and take photos, I walked by and snapped a shot while my arm was down. AND this is what I got. I kinda love it. AND not creepy at all. Me pretending to just walk by and, in all actuality, taking a photo unbeknownst to them.

I am speechless.

Ooooooh. This is unreal to me.

I completely love the we that we are. US 3.
(Goodness! What a huge head I have!)
We are always telling her to look at the camera. She is always choosing to look away from the camera. So. In. Spite. Of us.

Our own long stroll along the beach.

We LOVE these two endlessly. They are so good to us.

They're checking out the unbroken sea shells.

I love these two!

Right up there with the Disneyland tea cup ride, she could not get enough of her daddy running out towards the ocean, then, running away from the incoming waves.

Did I already say that I love these two?