Friendships forged in elementary school. I have seen these three hang out, get ready, leave for parties, celebrate birthdays, and commemorate graduations together over the course of many, many, many, so many years. Now, they have babies! AND, of course, they decided to honor each other's motherhood together with a simple photo shoot.

Sarita's baby is as mellow as they come and precious.

Monique's boy is a brother to two. Yes, that means Monique is actually a mother of three. However, this one is the only child that came out on this particular trip. So, he made it into the photos. Handsome. Sweet boy.

Oh goodness! Too cute! I will admit that I am VERY partial to Rosalyn's little one. My most adorable baby niece. I'd love to say that her sweet smile only appears when I am around, but I'd be lying. She is just a happy baby and will grace anyone with her stinkin' adorable smile.

Monique's sister, Cynthia, came along to just hang out, however, she turned into my assistant. Thanks Cynthia! She was, at one point, with a baby in her arms and another sitting right beside her. I'm sure I would have had no problem passing off the third to her, but lucky for her my other sister was home to help out. Also, Cynthia was of tremendous help when we needed the babies looking in the direction of the camera. I am certain the she helped out with lighting, too. THANKS again!

You might recognize the little one in this photo as my very own. She wanted in on the photo shoot after seeing all the good fun that her auntie was having with her friends.

A "zurber" is tradition between these two.

Thank you Sarita, Ros and Monie for letting me snap this great time of your lives! It was very warm that day, the babies were sometimes not having any of it, and amidst your busy schedules (the day before Monie flew back home) you did it.
"True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evil. Strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island. To find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep [her] is a blessing." ~Baltasar Gracian